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Bug#60671: base: Locale in 2.1.3-7 doesn't work

Le Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 07:07:22PM +0300, Peter A. Novodvorsky écrivait:
> Package: base
> Version: 20000318
> Severity: critical

I hate when people fill release critical bug with so little information ...
and why did you submit it against base and not libc6 or locales ?

> When I invoke xterm, it says that locale in not supported by X library.
> When I invoke mutt, it doesn't display russian messages but displays
> dots intead of them. I downgraded libc to 2.1.2 and everything began to work.

Which 2.1.2 ?  < 2.1.2-11 ?

With 2.1.3 did you have the i18ndata & locales package installed ?

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
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