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Re: Why the boot-floppies are taking so long.

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

    Ben> #define KERDISKPATH     "%simages-%s/%srescue%s.bin"
    Ben> #define KERDISKFILE     "rescue%s.bin"
    Ben>                         /* arch/[flavor/]drivers[-kver].tgz */
    Ben> #define DRVTGZPATH      "%s%sdrivers%s.tgz"
    Ben> #define DRVTGZFILE      "drivers%s.tgz"

    Ben> This defined two things, a full path for the image, as it would appear
    Ben> in the expected directory structure, and the image name itself (base
    Ben> doesn't really matter in this respect). The search functions should (if
    Ben> they haven't been changed too much) look for the *PATH first, and then
    Ben> fallback to the *FILE. It sanity checks by making sure that either both
    Ben> are in the tree, or they are both flat (not mix matched, which would mean
    Ben> something is weird).

 This is basicly unchanged then...  the image names don't have the %s
 in them anymore, but there are still two separate variables like
 that, and I did not do anything to the code that uses the names
 generated by setup_image_filenames().  So without going in for a look
 before I email this, I'd say it will still work the way you designed
 it.  I hope I'm right.

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