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Re: framebuffer support

>    if i understand it correctly: you will use _only_ the vga16fb for
>    the boot-floppies, right?? No other framebuffers!?
> I've told you more than once that BOGL is meant to be generic.  Stop
> trying to tell me that it's vga16-only.  You're giving me a bad name.

Hey, calm down or i start also flaming! 

>    If so, you should rework/rethink your bogl-lib. Or you change the
>    use of isa_io_base into the PCI MMIO one.
> BOGL doesn't use port access at all--only the vga16 driver does.  If
> you have some other framebuffer device in mind, write a driver for it,
> don't tell me that my code is wrong.  For instance, there is a cfb8
> driver already, and David Huggins-Daines is writing a variable-depth
> framebuffer driver.

Thats not the point! The point is: it doesn't compile! All i see is a
vga16-init(), but why when it doesn't work on all architectures??

> You mentioned before something about mmap'ing the ISA ports into PCI
> space.  I don't have time to deal with it right now--finals are coming
> up right now and I've got big exams to deal with.  I also don't know
> how to do it (I'd have to ask Geert), and you obviously do know, or
> you wouldn't be complaining so strenuously.  SO DO IT ALREADY, and
> stop telling me to do it.

I know that you have not asked geert. And i told you the choices you 
have. I put not my hands on fb-device drivers, we have all sorts of it.

>    If this isn't possible the vga16fb should then be only another fb for
>    use.
> It *is*, goddammit.
>    For example, powerpc has 3 or more framebuffers into the kernel (lacking
>    support of modules). 
> Then implement support for then.  Stop telling people that BOGL isn't
> portable.  It *is*.

> I've told you more than once that BOGL is meant to be generic.
> It *is*, goddammit.
> Then implement support for then.  Stop telling people that BOGL isn't
> portable.  It *is*.

Where?  It isn't generic, it isn't potable, it doesn't work! 

If its gerneric it doesn't make any preferences on fbdev-devices. All i see
is vga16fb. 

We have many framebuffers available, no need to implement them again. 

That's the reasons why i#m complaining so much on this topic. I don't say
you're a bad programer! No!!! But i don't see the generic part! Can i start
the graphical-dbootstrap on my FB_ATY or on FB_CONTROL, FB_PLATINUM,
Because vga16fb doesn't work or i have already to much in the kernel?

So, come on, say again it is generic/portable or say bogl needs some work
for this. 



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