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Re: [GSoC] Prospective packages importer

On 24/08/15 10:30, Andreas Tille wrote:
[Ghislain, please see second part of my quotes and at your preference


  since this seems to be the older repository guessing from chlog_date
  and chlog_version.]

Hi Akshita,

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:16:30AM +0530, Akshita Jha wrote:
The existing Debian packages do not have this information.  I have no
idea whether this will be maintained in the tasks files.  I admit it is
an unimportant piece of information - so it would be even safe to drop
this field at all.

Ok. But, I think I'll add the information about 'language' and 'enhances'
for now. If we don't need it, we can always remove it later, right ?

Correct.  Ignoring information is easy, fetching it later might create
more work.

Creating two new tables - blends_unknown_packages and package_remarks.


I've sent a patch creating two tables - blends_unknown_packages and
package_remark. I thought of making 'package' as primary key but I noticed
blends_prospectivepackages does not do so. I have not made any column as
primary key for now. Let me know what is to be done.

Hmmm, very good point!  I was wondering why we do not have a primary key
since this sounds very sensible.  So I checked and found:

udd=# select package, source, chlog_date, chlog_version, vcs_url, changed_by from blends_prospectivepackages where package like 'python-imageio' ;
     package     |     source     |           chlog_date            | chlog_version |                                 vcs_url                                 |                  changed_by
  python-imageio | imageio        | Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:03:39 +0000 | 1.1-1         | git://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/imageio.git        | Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail@gmail.com>
  python-imageio | python-imageio | Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:18:25 +0100 | 1.2-1         | git://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/python-imageio.git | Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail@gmail.com>
(2 Zeilen)

I wonder how this can happen since to my (obviously bad) memory the
importer tries to prevent duplicates.  I'd vote for a primary key (for
blends_prospectivepackages *and* blends_unknown_packages) and fixing the
importer to respect this.

Otherwise we might run into trouble with the current queries.

Thanks for spotting this


Apologize for the duplicates. I forgot to do my homework and clean the previous one.

I will delete the imageio.git / keep python-imageio.git.

That's also a good reminder to finish that work at some point.


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