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RE: CDD for a newbe...


Well I plan to create a really small Linux installation (<128MB space, no
XWindow just console; 2.6 kernel; network support;) and I think that
preparing my own installation disk is the best solution.

1) DSL:
I tried DSL distro and got a few unresolved issues:
- There's no 2.6 kernel support
- I am not able to force the latest release (3.2 RC3) to install onto a hard
drive (flash disk not tested yet). 
- On the other hand an older release (3.0.1) works well but it needs at
least 160MB of space
- I don't need the whole XWindow thing. The console (+SSH) is OK for me
whereas DSL provides Fulkebox window manager and it's obligatory!). Ripping
it off would be a time-consuming task...

I also considered Linux From Scratch and Gentoo but, IMHO, making a new CDD
flavor is a better idea. 

2) Kernel:
For now 2.4 kernel is also good for me however 2.6 would be a better choice.

AFAIR kernel developers plan to add some kind of real-time add-on into
2.6.22 version. In the mean time I'd like to test RTAI add-on to make it
more real-time oriented. But a space consumption problem is the first issue
to be solved.

3) Regarding my distant(?) plans:
If I had a low-space-consuming CDD-based distro, would I be able to add my
own pieces of software into a created CDD flavour to be installed together
with all other allowed core/base packages? Or maybe it won't be possible?

[spadam bo za duzo gadam]
From: joel.merrick@gmail.com [mailto:joel.merrick@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Joel Merrick
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:33 PM
To: debian-custom@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: CDD for a newbe...

I think Damn Small Linux is Debian based, they've just had a point release..
but not sure what arch it's built from.

What's your requirements exactly (i.e. any special need for a later kernel

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