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Re: CDD for a newbe...

I think Damn Small Linux is Debian based, they've just had a point release.. but not sure what arch it's built from.

What's your requirements exactly (i.e. any special need for a later kernel etc?)

On 1/10/07, pawo2000 <pawo2000@wp.pl> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I need an up-to-date Debian ditro (3.1 R4) that can be installed on 128MB
flash disk (<64MB would be even better).
Is it possible?

Debian core/base packages take at least 230MB and I can't find the way to
reduce the size of a newly installed system.

So I have been thinking about creating a separate CDD project to meet my

Can anyone guide me how to start with it?
And how to cut the set of core/base packages that are always installed
during every Debian installation?

[spadam bo za duzo gadam]

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