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Re: CDDs projects on Alioth

On Sun, 10 Oct 2004, Matthew P McGuire wrote:

Finally, we solve the single point of reference by using a site name
like cdd.debian.org or www.debian.org/cdd/.
I think the later one would be great and I have proposed this several times
(and thought I would have documented this in the docs, but obviousely forgot
 this in chapter


 which at least asks for common layout for the pages and the wml templates.)

This site could contain a
brief description of the CDD concept, the current goals, a link to
Andreas' paper, and an official list of CDD projects. This list can also
contain a link to the current website of a given CDD.
Definitely.  Any volunteer?

Who does the work? I wouldn't mind it, and I am sure there are already
numerous others who would help maintain the site. However I think they
would all need to debian maintainers, so list-lurkers like me are
probably not an option. (Hell I'm not even in the NM queue.)
It is not necessary to be a developer to work on the web pages.  There are
many people with CVS acces to the wml pages who do not even think about
becoming a maintainer. (http://www.debian.org/devel/website/)

By the way, Andreas, Ben, Free, and everyone else involved is making
great progress in this project. So much so that I find it very hard to
follow at times. But thanks for working so hard on it. I have learned
volumes from these dialogs and I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your good summary


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