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Re: Gnome menu customization best practices?

On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 20:38 +0200, Lluis wrote:
> Another way to modify gnome's menus could be to edit files on
> /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/vfolders/applications-all-users/ (the WriteDir of
> applications-all-users file), although the last time i checked this feature
> it wasn't working... and got no documentation about it, so maybe it was
> working but i didn't understand how to do it (should be checked again, maybe)

FWIW, I too tried adding .desktop files
to /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/vfolders/applications-all-users/ and was unable to
get them to show up (the changes either weren't visible or caused menu
items to disappear entirely). Oddly enough, it seems to work for normal
users--if you customize the menus using Nautilus (by going to
applications:///, moving stuff around, renaming stuff, etc., it puts
the changes in ~/.gnome/vfolders/applications/, and everything
seems to work. So I'm not sure why the system-wide mechanism doesn't.

> It's maybe a weird and not much beutiful work-around, but as far as i know,
> the gnome menus don't provide the mechanisms for specialized menus that we
> want to use (that is, they're not able to add or delete new "root" menus
> without providing or editing the global applications-all-users.vfolder-info,
> so the editing on that file has to be lessen to the minimum)
> About the "reordering" of existing menu entries, i don't see a clear
> solution...

That's been my experience as well. I was hoping someone would prove me
wrong. :-(

Ian Murdock
317-578-8882 (office)

"A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of." --Ogden Nash

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