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Re: potential packages

On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 10:23:04PM -0700, Drake Diedrich elucidated:
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 08:13:40PM -0700, Dale Harris wrote:
> > 
> > http://gridengine.sunsource.net/
> > 
>    Quite a few people have asked me to update DQS, or whether there are
> newer alternatives.  I always point them to gridengine (descended from DQS)
> and suggest they package it.  None to my knowledge have taken up the
> challenge.  The old build system (a big *csh* script) was replaced with a
> derivative of aimk, the PVM build system (I also maintain PVM),


> so ideally I'd leverage that combined knowledge to package SGE (Sun
> Gridengine).  I don't have a cluster handy at the moment though, so the
> incentive isn't really there.  If you know anyone who needs cluster people
> and would like to see SGE packaged, let me know.  :)
> -Drake

Well, I have a cluster, and I'll be using SGE.  What little I've seen of
it, I like it a lot better than PBS.  I wouldn't mind attempting to make
a package, when I have time, I'm not sure about all the rules or proper
way to go about it.  Yeah, I haven't RTFM everything I should yet,
that's part of that time thing.  

Dale Harris   

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