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Re: beowulf with afs

> Cool.  And now mpich 1.2.4-8 with shared libmpe builds on IA-64 (meaning 
> likely on HPPA too), so that part's all set.
> I see none of the glibc 2.3s have built on hppa, it looks like you have 
> your hands full... :-(
> Thanks for making this a priority,
> -- 

I've been using mpich on PARISC for >2 years now,
and also runs on HP/UX so I wasn't worried...
geomview on the other hand looks like a glibc/hppa

glibc 2.3 is building with my local patches. I will
be getting thise into debian and upstream tonight.

My entire cluster runs on unstable, so I usually try
to make sure unstable is as stable as possible ;-)
(I am just joking, patches and fixes go in as fast
as I have time).

Thanks for the praise :)


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