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Re: Building MPE for LAM.

In Tue, 30 Oct 2001 01:02:55 +0100 (MET) Jens cum veritate scripsit :

> I would very much like to use a feasible debian package instead, so
> maybe
> we can help you out to get it going further?


I have (along with other rubbish, I need to tidy things up)
mpich package up for testing (although I have not advertized about
it much)

It has packages mpich, and mpich-mpd.

I also hacked up a script called "mpi-chooser", which chooses which
"mpirun" etc. to run depending on environmental variable.

I am hoping to get some feedback on that as well...

My (testbed) for potato-backported packages are :
http://mikilab.doshisha.ac.jp/~dancer/updates ./

I am testing it on the local cluster I am using.
I don't use SMP systems, so any input on SMP systems would be nice.

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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