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Re: Organizations of directories...

On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 11:36:46PM +0000, Marco Mililotti wrote:
> Hi to everyone :) My question may be old, but I would like to express my
> disappointment with the current organization of the dirs of installation of the
> deb package (beo packages). I want to export all and only the beo-packages
> installed on my master system to a node, without exporting anything else.

   You run into the problem then of deciding "what is a beowulf package".
Anything that is computationally expensive or uses the network is possible.
Why do you wish to have some packages remotely mounted, and others local?
How about libc?  Most beowulf packages depend ultimately on libc, so it's
a good idea to have the same version on all nodes that are using the shared
   Some alternatives to consider: 

1) if you have sufficient local diskspace (can you buy disks that are
   insufficient anymore?), just use dpkg --get-selections/--set-selections
   to maintain the same locally installed set of packages.  On a large
   enough cluster you may wish to record your responses to questions on the
   first node, then put those into an expect-like script for the rest of the
   nodes.  debconf'd packages give you a simpler option: copy the debconf
   database to the rest of the nodes before running the install.

2) Export everything from your main fileserver, creating tiny hardlinked
   exported /etc for each client (see diskless package or HOWTO).  Put lots
   of real memory on nodes so that they can cache disk accesses.

3) Install those specially designated packages that you want to share into a
   different root and try to add that to the paths on all nodes.  (I think
   this will be ugly, but is the closest to what you're asking for).
   dpkg --root=dir

4) Share /usr/local and compile your custom beo-packages for it.

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