Re: python-django_1.8.18-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes REJECTED
* Scott Kitterman <> [2017-05-26 04:35:42 CEST]:
> On Thursday, May 25, 2017 08:57:13 PM Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > So as long as I don't have the impression that the users of our stable
> > releases are taken into consideration I don't think we can move forward
> > with this in any way. And as long as there is the impression that we
> > can't communicate about such things then don't blame us for the lack of
> > communication that comes from your end. I can't be more clear than
> > that, it isn't our fault that it was chosen to *not* communicate that
> > beforehand, and I'm not willing to suck it up like that and ignore that
> > intentional lack of communication.
> I believe if you are willing to allow the jessie-backports updates of python-
> django 1.8.X for security fixes (unless upstream violates their own policy,
> that's all there will be), we can definitely come up with a solution that
> avoids the need to do this kind of exception in the future and we'll have a
> good path forward.
> I believe it will take a bit of time for the python-django maintainers to
> figure out the best plan, but I don't think it's at all urgent until after
> stretch releases, so we have a few days to sort out that part of the plan.
Erm, no. This is a one-time exception. If the discussion is delayed
through again no approaching the stable release team and figuring out a
plan for this then I rather remove the package or have it upgraded to
the version in stretch. Do not delay that discussion because that's the
very thing I pointed out above: it doesn't give me the impression that
this issue is taken serious and is willing to get handled, and I won't
grant another exception along that path without a clear plan how to
avoid that in the future.
Start communicating now, not in "a bit". This is the very approach
that got us into where we are now.
> I'm all for communication. You may have noticed I wrote a lot of emails on
> this topic since I became aware of the disconnect between the backports team
> and the python-django maintainers. Obviously it will take more communication
> to get this issue completely resolved, but I think your message is a great
> basis for working towards getting this all figured out.
I can see that, but again: I don't care at all about the involved
people, I care about that this gets actively addressed and worked on,
and *now*, not in "a bit".
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