On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 01:00:41PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2017, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> > Imagine someone else would have done the python-django backport,
> > and would upload 1.10 to jessie-backports today.
> > What would you as user do?
> You are again diverting the discussion to another problem. This is
> not my situation... in the general case, the user can't rely on
> the version in jessie-backports to not change in backwards incompatible
> way.
This is not a diversion, this is actually the core of the problem.
Should backports follow a general and predictable policy,
or should they follow whatever suits best the personal
usecase of the developer doing the backport?