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Re: Backport for django-tables

On Wed, 06 Apr 2016 10:00:47 +1000
Brian May <bam@debian.org> wrote:

> Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> writes:
> > I'm willing to do the backport myself - probably this weekend. I'd
> > be equally happy if someone else arranged it - please let me know
> > if you would prefer to do the backport.  
> Fine with me. Please go ahead.
> I don't believe any changes should be required.

Currently blocked by

django-tables works if just pulled in from testing but cannot currently
be built with jessie & jessie-backports as it needs pytest-django to be
backported. pytest-django cannot be backported due to the FTBFS.

Any news on the FTBFS of pytest-django? It's now blocking backports,
despite pytest-django not apparently being auto-removed from testing
for the RC bug open since December.


Neil Williams

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