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Re: NVidia drivers and kernel 3.2.4

> I have tried to install the nvidia drivers but the module will not
> compile against the kernel currently in backports. I cannot really
> return to the standard kernel as it does not allow my sound card to work
> probably.
> Is there a fix for this problem?

Another question: Which nvidia drivers are you trying to use? I don't
think the version in squeeze can handle any of the backports kernels.
But the backported nvidia driver certainly can.

Another possibility is that your card may not be supported by the
newest drivers. Make sure it is. What model is it? (lspci | grep VGA).
If it's relatively old, you might need the 173.xx series or the 96.xx
(there is also 71.xx, but don't even bother, this only works with
xserver-xorg 1.4 !). None of these are backported but you can get them
from sid.


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