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Backport request: activemq

Hi all,

Is there anyone who'd like to volunteer for an ActiveMQ backport?
By the looks of it it's a rather trivial package to backport. I'd be willing to do it myself but I'm not a Debian maintainer, so I don't have dupload access.

A target audience for this backport would be the Puppet / MCollective communities. 
However I'm sure a number of other communities would benefit greatly from having this package available.

squeeze:~# apt-get install --dry-run activemq | grep -iE '^Inst' | grep -vi stable
Inst libactivemq-activeio-java (3.1.1-1 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libgentlyweb-utils-java (1.5-1 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libjasypt-java (1.8-1 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libjosql-java (2.2-1 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-core-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-beans-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-aop-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-expression-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-context-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-transaction-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-jms-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-test-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libactivemq-java (5.5.0+dfsg-2 Debian:testing [all])
Inst activemq (5.5.0+dfsg-2 Debian:testing [all])
Inst libspring-instrument-java (3.0.6.RELEASE-4 Debian:testing [all])

There's an impressive amount of dependencies, however only 14 of them would be required to be backported from Wheezy along with the ActiveMQ package itself.

squeeze:~# apt-get install --dry-run activemq | grep -E '^Inst' | wc -l
squeeze:~# apt-get install --dry-run activemq | grep -E '^Inst' | grep -vi stable | wc -l

Kind regards,
Tom De Vylder

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