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Re: myth busting (was Re: Kernel update)

Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 25. August 2010, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> Yes, but if you want to become a Debian Developer,
>> this can take years.
> or weeks. It depends on many things, the most important are your skills, your 
> communication styles and your participation.
> cheers,
> 	Holger

This is NOT a myth, I'm sorry. On my own case, it took from end of 2008
to june 2010 (but it was due to my failure once, I have to admit).

Pretending that becoming a DD can take just few weeks IS a myth, simply
because *in general*, DAMs are busy, AMs are busy, and creating your
Debian account can take up to a month alone. So it might happen, but I
can't believe that being motivated is enough to speed the process that much.

I know it *can* be fast (I heard it only), but also it *can* take years,
and in both case, you got to have a lot of motivations, packaging
skills, knowledge of Debian and the DFSG, etc. I believe there are very
good reasons why it takes that long, one of them is making sure that the
new applicant meets the Debian skills and knowledge requirements.

My goal posting above was to warn Mittwoch about that fact that he got
to be motivated, as it can be demanding, and to warn about the fact it's
not done in one day, nothing more, nothing less. I had no intentions to
bash the process, DAMs, AMs and the like (this list isn't the place to
discuss it anyway).

But Mittwoch, I can only push you to try. You'll be interacting with a
lot of other people once you become DD, and it has really changed my
professional life a lot. It's a very different feeling to just
contribute and to be part of the family.

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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