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Re: php4 backports anyone?

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support) (a.k.a "dapper") still gets security updates. It's probably old enough that it still has PHP4, though I haven't actually checked. Is building PHP4 from source on the new platform an option?

Earlier this year I migrated (aptitude upgrade) my home desktop from Sarge to Ubuntu 5.10 (if I remember correctly), then to 6.06 (and from there to 8.04, the next LTS, and on to 8.10 and 9.04).

This was not without some pain. 6.06 was one of the stages where things worked pretty well, however. Most of my issues were X-server and desktop related. I gather your client's system is a server, so this may not be an issue. On the other hand, being a desktop system, I don't have apache, PHP or any of those type of things on it. So I have no experience how this style of migration/upgrade would work for that type of configuration.

Needless to say, you should test carefully before attempting anything like this on a production system.

If "server upgrade" also means new hardware, than a fresh install of "dapper", and then migrate the app, would be the way to go.


On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 12:34:05 +0200, Fionn Behrens <fionn@spamfilter.de> wrote:

Hi all,

this is probably crying for flames but I need to ask anyway:

I have a customer who is running a very large project on PHP4. Because
of subtle object usage details in programming, a port to PHP5 would be
pretty identical to a complete rewrite (about 6-8 man-months estimated)
and is not financially feasible because of short budgets (like
However, a server upgrade is on the list (they still run sarge) and I
need to know if anyone knows about a repository or something where
anyone hosts some sort of more-or-less-maintained backport repository
for ANY debian or deb-based Linux-Distribution that still gets security
updates! (they are on sarge, currently)

Please dont tell me that they wont get around a PHP upgrade sooner or
later because I know and I told them and they dont want it now. All I
want to do is make the best out of the situation and to achieve that I
need to move away from sarge, to get at least an OS with security
updates which would be an improvement already.

If you have any hint, I'd strongly appreciate a reply.

Thank you!

Peter Værlien
Fritz Aabakkens vei 17, 7072 Heimdal, Norway
Telephone: 917 69 384, E-Mail: pvarlien@online.no, http://varlien.home.online.no

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