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Get OpenOffice for amd64 fails


I'm stuck. I have added backports.org to apt/sources.list, added 

Package: openoffice.org
Pin: release a=etch-backports
Pin-Priority: 999

to apt/preferences (also tried prio 1001)

But I cannot get openoffice to be installed. When I try:

aptitude -t etch-backports install "openoffice.org"   

I get the error:
 openoffice.org-common: Conflicts: openoffice.org-base (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.
                         Conflicts: openoffice.org-writer (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.
                         Conflicts: openoffice.org-calc (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.
                         Conflicts: openoffice.org-impress (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.
                         Conflicts: openoffice.org-draw (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.
                         Conflicts: openoffice.org-math (< 1:2.4.1) but 
1:2.4.0-4~bpo40+1 is to be installed.

What can I do to solve the problem?

Regards, Steffen

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