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Re: Just tried arm64 netinstall on a bananai-m5

Seems to me it would be a good target to shoot for having "make
menuconfig" encompass hardware choices as well as others, so the
hardware is just another choice in the menu.

On 8/15/23, peter green <plugwash@p10link.net> wrote:
> On 15/08/2023 17:44, gene heskett wrote:
>> used dd to write the arm64-bookworm-12.1 netinstall image to a 64G SDXC
>> ONN. brand card, makes no attempt to boot plugged into a bananapi-m5.
>> bring card back to reader, can't mount it, wrong filesystem for both
>> partitions. Give up, write Armbian-jammie-full-desktop iso to card, mounts
>> ok, boots bananapi-m5 normally.
>> What did I do wrong?
> The unfortunate reality is that boot on arm is *still* a mess. The server
> guys and the windows laptop guys
> have settled on uefi (though the implementations are often far from
> perfect), but the hobbyist board segment
> is still all over the place, with each board (or family of closely related
> boards) still needing it's own build
> of u-boot that knows how to initialise the board, load a kernel and initrd
> and pass them the relavent device
> tree.
> For some boards, Debian offers "concatenatable images", where a
> board-specific boot section can be concatenated
> with a board-independent d-i section to produce a boot image suitable for a
> specific board, yours doesn't seem
> to be one of them though.
> .

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