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Re: Upcoming Qt switch to OpenGL ES on arm64

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 7:54 AM Gene Heskett <gheskett@shentel.net> wrote:

> Not in that light, but would sinking the pi foundation make us look any
> better? I think not.

 the rule i go by is that of the "bill of ethics" [1] - which is both
simple and puzzling at the same time.  if you're familiar with the
"New Law" Robots from Roger Allen MacBride's books, it's a bit like
that: whilst it is unethical to do "harm", it is also unethical to
*support* someone to do "harm"... therefore it is "permitted" to
*withdraw* resources (time, energy, money and intelligence enhancers)
as a means to reduce the influence and effectiveness of any person or
group doing "harm".

> But I'm not trying to white wash them either. IP
> theft is the mode of the times it seems. But,if you want a high
> performance gpio that can run a short spi bus at 50 megabaud, where else
> are you going to get it besides broadcom?

 i've done quite a lot of embedded work: i'm a big fan of the STM32F
series, and many of them are well under $2.  STM NUCLEO boards retail
for under $10.  i way, waaay prefer to have a separate embedded
processor with its own greatly-simplified firmware, then communicate
with that over a serial bus to send it commands (or a fast bus if

 with simpler firmware (embedded into onboard FLASH) the risk of a
crash is greatly reduced, and recovery/restart time even if it does is
well under a second.

> >  ... you see how that works?  the wrong decision here, debian gets to
> > completely destroy what is already a fragile ecosystem, just for
> > "convenience".
> There is also TANSTAAFL. But you will do as pure as you can and according
> to the debian bylaws, and I admire that greatly, its a very large part
> of why I'm here. But you did ask the question, and I gave you 2 cents
> worth of the real world where we need to just get the job done to the
> best of the hardware's ability.

 appreciated.  it's a tough call, i know.

> And "we" are not doing a very good job
> of exploiting the hardware we can buy today.

 the best assembly-level programmers used to be from russia... why?
because they couldn't get the hardware (Cold War), so had to squeeze
as much out of what they had as they could.

> But I've said my piece, so won't hassle you about it anymore in this
> thread. I might still complain even, but thats how it is. And its not
> your fault so please don't take it personal, its certainly not intended
> to be.
> Take care and stay well, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton.

you too, gene.


[1] https://www.titanians.org/the-bill-of-ethics/

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