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Re: Running Pure Debian on the Raspberry Pi 3B+?

On 8/14/18, Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> wrote:

I am thinking of getting a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and, from what I read, it is
mostly supported by the upstream Linux kernel, but I still have doubts
what I may be losing or not, compared to Raspbian.

>From what I read, there are some binary blobs needed for the video to work
(and I would like to use it with Kodi, to play some videos and to, perhaps,
act as a NAS or a place where I can use to save some files via NFS when a
USB HD is attached to it).

Apologies for missing the original message which for some reason got marked as spam/malware.

We're running a number of RPi3s here with the "Jessie" build done by Collabora, which relies on the Raspbian kernel and loader (hence also any proprietary binaries), originally because KDE didn't play nicely with Raspbian. I've also looked briefly at somebody's 64-bit port.

My suggestion would be to stick with Raspbian unless you have a very good reason to explore alternatives.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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