Re: a Debian executable on Android
On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Peter Easthope wrote:
> In summary, a moving target of proprietary hardware can
> not be tracked effectively by a community of volunteers,
> enthusiastic and energetic as they are. A necessary
> condition for the communal approach is a relatively stable
> open hardware specification. Some years hence, an ISO
> standard handy or tablet might be possible. Probably cell
> support should be ignored until significant progress with
> the "carrier contract" problem.
Most of the Linux kernel community are employees not volunteers these
days, but yes, there isn't the right combination of skills, motivation
and time to do this for every piece of ARM mobile hardware. The
modularisation approach taken by Fairphone and Motorola/Google
(Project Ara) may lead to some standardisation of some sort, we will
> No thoughts about the original topic? More specifically,
> "... installation of debian armel or armhf or arm64 or
> similar, using one of the apps, "Linux Deploy" and "Complete
> Linux Installer"."
Those sound exactly like the apps on the ChrootOnAndroid wiki page
that I linked to in the second post in this thread. Indeed, "Linux
Deploy" is even linked from the wiki page. "Complete Linux Installer"
appears to be proprietary though so no-one added it.
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