Hi Guys
Running Arch on my pogopig at the moment , using motion with a webcam.
It using a 8GB USB stick, I have, which I dont use, a 150GB HD in a USB
Can I get Deb arm running on that, Arch is OK , but its got some
strange behaviour, and I'm reasonably familiar with Debian as I run
Mint on both machines here.
What I'd like to do is,
continue using Motion on it, but also be able to use it for back up
from both the other computers, and maybe for my sons, but that would
mean some form of FTP, secure, remote access.
Am I right that it would run a little faster with a USB HD than using
the USB memory stick, I'd be able to a swap partion on it without
Or am I dreaming in cloud cuckoo land as normal :)
The pogopig is V2 , and running ARM5 arch at the moment.
One thing that gave problems with Arch was it would only use 2.7GB of
the stick until I upgraded the kernel to later than 3.10.
Is the install procedure similar, mount the usb hd and down load a
tarball and then unpack,,
Some words of wisdom appreciated
Best wishes /73
Richard Bown
Email : richard@g8jvm.com
HTTP : http://www.g8jvm.com
nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Linux Mint 16 x86_64 on a Dell Inspiron N5030 laptop
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W
QRV VHF 6mtrs 200W, 4 mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 400W, 70cms 200W
Microwave 23 cms 140W, 13 cms 100W, 6 cms 0W & 3cms 5W
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