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Re: Booting Debian on my Arndale board

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Phil Endecott <spam_from_debian_arm@chezphil.org> wrote:
Thanks.  The difference is that you've debootstrapped from Android, while I've debootstrapped from Ubuntu - which surely ought to be easier, being less "foreign".

well, what i actually did was a multi-stage approach, hence why i referred to it, of chrooting to debian first (from android), then preparing an sdcard boot off the nand data partition (which happened to have no clashes between android subdirectory names and debian subdirectory names), then swapped it round to boot off the nand's FAT partition onto the sdcard as a rootfs, and at that point i was clear and free to wipe the nand partition, confident that i could recover the system if it went tits-up.

the little toe-rags at hardkernel have
enabled DRM so you need to do Treacherous-Zone signing with a little
script grrr

!!!  What on earth made them do that?

i don't knowwwwww...

i advise you to do *native* compiles of the kernel.

Sure.  This is my second-fastest computer.

mad, isn't it? :)

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