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Re: arm build hardware

Hi Steve,

Steve McIntyre writes: 
> I'm looking at migrating the current Debian buildd machines across
> from imx53 to arndale in the next few months

> The second issue is reliability - various people have reported
> instability when working their arndale machines hard for
> building.

Can you say more, i.e. who has reported that, where?

My understanding is that there is no heatsink on the CPU.  If that's the 
cause of the problems, it could be easily fixed by attaching one.

I have ordered an Arndale board which I intend to fit in a small 1U case. 
Ordering was a total pain: it honestly said "this website best viewed with 
Internet Explorer 10", and although I ordered it on 15th Feb it still hasn't 
been dispatched.  It's also a bit worrying to see that the "OPENBRIX / 
ARMBRIX" board, which is essentially a stripped-down Arndale, has been 
cancelled "Due to a situation experienced by the ARMBRIX Company" 
(news item at http://howchip.com/ ).

Cheers,  Phil.

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