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Kernel 2.6.37 on QNAP TS-419P

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to get the Debian sid kernel to boot on my QNAP TS-419P
(currently linux-image-2.6.37-2-kirkwood, but I tried
linux-image-2.6.37-1-kirkwood before that), and unfotunately it just
hangs upon reboot (the status led keeps blinking alternatively green and
red) and I have to use the rescue mode to flash the squeeze kernel back.

Since I don't have a serial cable, I really don't know what's going on,
so I was wondering if anyone tried this (on this or a similar kirkwood
system) and could report on sucess/failure. I'd like to know if the
problem is specific to my configuration or if others have the same
issue. The most particular thing about my system is that it's using
btrfs as the root filesystem, so it could be related to that, although
I'm pretty sure all the required modules are included in the initramfs
(I even listed them explicitly in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules just to
make sure).

Any feedback/ideas welcome. Thanks.

Benoît Knecht

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