> I am bit new to Debian.
> I am going through ,how to get sources by looking at debian related howto's.
> But unable to get some clues with respect to my specific question.
> Any help ?
`apt-get source <package>` will get you sources.It is not ARM specific but Debian specific working on any architecture:
>>> I have a query related to debain rootfs for ARM platform.
>>> I have executed the following command and able to get entire rootfs for
>>> ARM
>>> #debootstrap --verbose --foreign --arch armel sid ./sid
>>> This command is able to give me entire rootfs with all the binaries
>>> and libraries.
>>> By following the link , I can see sources present at this
>>> location:(for example e2fsprogs)
>>> I need to build the applications from the sources rather than using
>>> binaries generated and I need to use a custom toolchain to build this
>>> entire rootfs.
>>> Is there a tool (like buildroot) to download all packages and build
>>> the entire rootfs. ?
There are several tools to build from sources, but there are