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Re: Building from sources for ARM

I am bit new to Debian.
I am going through ,how to get sources by looking at debian related howto's.
But unable to get some clues with respect to my specific question.
Any help ?

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 9:34 PM, raj ravi <mekaviraj@gmail.com> wrote:
Even if it is for other platforms,  let me know.

I need to download the sources from Debian , for example:
Apply the diff and should be able to compile and build the binaries.

Any tool/script which can do for all the packages present in the rootfs can help.
If it is ARM specific, it will be great


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 6:13 PM, raj ravi <mekaviraj@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a query related to debain rootfs for ARM platform.

I have executed the following command and able to get entire rootfs for ARM
#debootstrap --verbose --foreign --arch armel sid ./sid

This command is able to give me entire rootfs with all the binaries
and libraries.

By following the link , I can see sources present at this
location:(for example e2fsprogs)

 I need  to build the applications from the sources rather than using
binaries generated and  I need to use a custom toolchain to build this
entire rootfs.

Is there a tool (like buildroot) to download all packages and build
the entire rootfs. ?
Also, while building it should use my custom toolchain with the PATH
provided by me. ?


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