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Re: Toshiba AC100

+++ Konstantinos Margaritis [2010-10-09 01:27 +0300]:
> IMHO, starting a new port is a much faster process than waiting for multiarch 
> -it took me just a month to build 60% of the debian archive, even with lots of 
> problems and it keeps on compiling.

Of course it is, but this is meaningless comparison; they are not
alternative things, they are complimentary things. A new architecture
(port) is a new architecture. Multiarch is a way of installing things
from more than one arch at a time, and satisfying dependencies between

And the flavour support I was muttering about is something else again
- to make it possible to build, install and use different
optimisations/ISA levels within one architecture, rather than having
to make a whole new arch for every one. 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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