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Re: Some advice on iMX31


On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Ruediger Leibrandt wrote:
> Sadly, I already found that out, there are no official informations on the 
> internet, but maybe someone here knows these devices and might be able to 
> give advice on if and how it is possible to modify the bootloader.

Do you really want to modify the bootloader? There probably *are*
other ways to run your chosen O/S on the system.
 - If the system supports booting from external drives then you could
 boot the system from the network or USB or ...
 - If the kernel that is on the system supports "kexec" then you
 could get it to load a different kernel after booting.
 - Since the system is already running linux you may just get what
 you need using a chroot containing debian.



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