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Fwd: NSLU2 (Slug) fails to boot with second drive connected

Hi Aaron,
From what I've read before, you need to mount the disks using UUIDs
instead of /dev/sd* type assignments. I believe there is a wiki page
regarding this on www.nslu2-linux.org, but I can't find it just now.
Maybe search the archives of this list?
Good luck

On 6/18/07, Aaron Klein <klein.aaron@gmail.com> wrote:
I am having an issue with my recently hacked Slug.  I have Debian
running on on the slug and all is well with Samba setup and getting in
via SSH when I have my OS disk in port 1.  I have a second disk that I
recently put on port 2 and now when I boot up the unit it hangs at
some point in the boot sequence prior to SSH so I cant get in to see
whats up.

If I connect the second drive after the unit comes up I can mount the
drive fine and use it as a samba share on XP with no issue what so

How can I configure the slug to boot with this second disk in port 2?

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