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Re: New kernel on NSLU-2 - little endian - how??

* Andrew M.A. Cater <amacater@galactic.demon.co.uk> [2006-02-17 20:48]:
> That's debianslug or however it should be called.

> I therefore have two kernel module trees - 2.6.15 and 2.6.15-1-nslu2 or
> thereabouts.  Attempting to use the modules from 2.6.15-1-nslu2 gives me
> module format errors [I'm looking to get the usblp modules].

Because you haven't booted that kernel.  At the moment, the
2.6.15-1-nslu2 Debian kernel is not automatically written to flash.
I've also not tried DebianSlug so I've no idea if they already have a
script to do that or how they handle kernel upgrades.

> Is there a "vanilla Debian" way yet?

Yes, almost.  beta2 of debian-installer, due in about two weeks, will
support the NSLU2.  There are a number of things that are still
missing, but it's basically working.  See http://www.cyrius.com/debian/nslu2/

Anyway, sooner or later, vanilla Debian and debian-installer will
supersede DebianSlug (or become DebianSlug) but there are still some
rough edges (such as the kernel not being flashed automatically; I can
tell you how to do it on a Debian system though, but I know nothing
about DebianSlug).

> My original intention was to produce two - one of each endianness -
> but I think I'll stick to one for now :)

I started building some armeb packages so you could run the installer
and do a basic install, but the box I have is way too slow and while
someone promised me access to a faster one this hasn't happened yet.
I'd just stay with little-endian ARM for now.

> I'm also interested in installing Etch on an old RISC machine I have :)

Martin Michlmayr

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