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Re: gnupg

>Hopefully it now works, but there might be 1 in 2**32 (or 1 in 2**64)
>cases where it still doesn't

That change didn't seem to produce the goods on its own.  I've ended up with this, 
which works for the cases I tested.

#if defined __ARM_ARCH_2__ || defined __ARM_ARCH_3__
#define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
  do {									\
	register USItype i0, i1, i2;					\
  __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm
	mov	%2, %5, lsr #16		@ AAAA
	mov	%4, %6, lsr #16		@ BBBB
	bic	%3, %5, %2, lsl #16	@ aaaa
	bic	%0, %6, %4, lsl #16	@ bbbb
	mul	%1, %3, %4		@ aaaa * BBBB
	mul	%4, %2, %4		@ AAAA * BBBB
	mul	%3, %0, %3		@ aaaa * bbbb
	mul	%0, %2, %0		@ AAAA * bbbb
	adds	%2, %1, %0
	addcs	%4, %4, #65536
	adds	%1, %3, %2, lsl #16
	adc	%0, %4, %2, lsr #16"					\
	   : "=&r" ((USItype)(xh)),                                     \
	     "=r" ((USItype)(xl)),                                      \
	     "=&r" ((USItype)(i0)),					\
	     "=&r" ((USItype)(i1)),					\
	     "=&r" ((USItype)(i2)),					\
	   : "r" ((USItype)(a)),                                        \
	     "r" ((USItype)(b)));					\
  } while (0)
#define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
  __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm
	umull	%r1, %r0, %r2, %r3" \
		   : "=&r" ((USItype)(xh)), \
		     "=r" ((USItype)(xl)) \
		   : "r" ((USItype)(a)), \
		     "r" ((USItype)(b)) \
		   : "r0", "r1")

I'll dispatch this to the BTS.


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