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Load of packages installed

The package installer just stuck in a bunch of the new arm packages.
Soon you should be able to 'apt-get update'.  The gcc and binutils in
there have helped my build success ratio.

The BRM now stands at...

12/25 12/28 12/29
  32    22     1  required:out-of-date
   5     5     5  required:uncompiled

  12    10     0  important:out-of-date
   3     3     1  important:uncompiled

  26    23     1  standard:out-of-date
  15    14    13  standard:uncompiled

 454   430   430  optional:out-of-date
 801   800   798  optional:uncompiled

  93    92    92  extra:out-of-date
 175   174   174  extra:uncompiled

... I'm currently working down required, important, standard stragglers.
Some of them are just pigs to build (tetex,perls,emacs..), some are 
probably not appropriate for ARM, I'll post a premliminary list of
packages to scratch from ARM later today for commentary.

                                     Jim Studt, President
                                     The Federated Software Group, Inc.

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