debian-apache Jan 2012 by thread
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apache2 is now in git
Stefan Fritsch
Re: apache2 is now in git
Arno Töll
Planning for 2.3/2.4
Stefan Fritsch
Re: Planning for 2.3/2.4
Arno Töll
Re: Planning for 2.3/2.4
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#652843: Patch
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#620398: solution by setting REFERRALS off
Oskar Liljeblad
Bug#654545: apache2-suexec: some possible security improvements for suexec/suexec-custom
Christoph Anton Mitterer
Bug#654764: Mitigate B.E.A.S.T attack
Mathieu Parent
Bug#654764: Mitigate B.E.A.S.T attack
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#654764: Mitigate B.E.A.S.T attack
Mathieu Parent
Processed: Re: Bug#654764: Mitigate B.E.A.S.T attack
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#654764: SSLHonorCipherOrder missing
Mathieu Parent
Advice on packaging a PHP application (ITP for Shaarli)
Emilien Klein
Re: Advice on packaging a PHP application (ITP for Shaarli)
gregor herrmann
Re: Advice on packaging a PHP application (ITP for Shaarli)
Emilien Klein
Re: Advice on packaging a PHP application (ITP for Shaarli)
gregor herrmann
Processing of apr-util_1.4.1-1_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
apr-util_1.4.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
Nu es patiešām neiesaku Tev uz Kubu ceļot..
Ivanovskis Jevgenijs
Bug#655435: libapr1: apr_hash vulnerable to oCert-2011-003 style DOS attacks
John Lightsey
Processing of apr_1.2.12-5+lenny5_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
apr_1.2.12-5+lenny5_i386.changes ACCEPTED into oldstable-proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
apr_1.2.12-5+lenny3_i386.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
apr_1.2.12-5+lenny4_i386.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
II Congreso Feria de Alimentacion Consciente en Barcelona
Ciencia y Espiritu
Bug#656880: Hurd: make apr "work" better
Pino Toscano
Bug#657043: Hurd: please reenable the test suite
Pino Toscano
Bug#579609: Is this still an issue in current apache 2.2 releases?
Sven Hoexter
Bug#579609: Is this still an issue in current apache 2.2 releases?
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#579609: Is this still an issue in current apache 2.2 releases?
Sven Hoexter
Bug#657335: It'd be cool to have APACHE_ULIMIT_MAX_FILES self-documented in the envvars file
Thomas Goirand
Bug#657335: marked as done (It'd be cool to have APACHE_ULIMIT_MAX_FILES self-documented in the envvars file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#657492: apache2.2-common: bash_completion erroneously strips .load/.conf for a2{en,dis}site
Ludovico Gardenghi
Processed: severity of 657492 is minor, tagging 657492, found 657492 in 2.2.21-5
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#657335: It'd be cool to have APACHE_ULIMIT_MAX_FILES self-documented in the envvars file
Debian Bug Tracking System
Introducing Apache 2.3.x
Arno Töll
Bug#657651: apache2.2-common: Mispelled MIME as MOME in apache2.conf
Clint Byrum
Bug#657651: apache2.2-common: Mispelled MIME as MOME in apache2.conf
Arno Töll
Processed: Re: Bug#657651: apache2.2-common: Mispelled MIME as MOME in apache2.conf
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#499191: Gave up?
Kevin Fernandez
The last update was on 14:02 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 41 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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