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Processing of apache2_2.2.9-10_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
apache2 override disparity
Debian Installer
apache2_2.2.9-10_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny
Micha Lenk
Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny
Micha Lenk
Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny
Micha Lenk
Bug#500558: apache2.2-common: Apache fails to start on boot after upgrade Etch -> Lenny
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#500292: marked as done (apache2 configs)
Debian Bug Tracking System
1.3.34-4.1+etch1 apache-contrib-1.0.8a/mod_cgisock/mod_cgisock.c
Re: 1.3.34-4.1+etch1 apache-contrib-1.0.8a/mod_cgisock/mod_cgisock.c
Stefan Fritsch
Bug#499191: apache2-suexec-custom: Allow execution of programs owned by root
Alexander Prinsier
Bug#499191: apache2-suexec-custom: Allow execution of programs owned by root
Stefan Fritsch
<Possible follow-ups>
Bug#499191: apache2-suexec-custom: Allow execution of programs owned by root
Ond=C5=99ej_?= =?UTF-8?Q?Sur=C3=BD
Bug#499191: apache2-suexec-custom: Allow execution of programs owned by root
Bug#298800: Ref: UK/9420X/68
ssl-cert 1.0.23 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
Bug#501403: (no subject)
Allard Hoeve
Processed: retitle 501403 to apache2: Apache reload fails with failed nscd assertion
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#501497: apache2-utils: htpasswd may block indefinitely on /dev/random
Joseph Birr-Pixton
Bug#501497: marked as done (apache2-utils: htpasswd may block indefinitely on /dev/random)
Debian Bug Tracking System
reassign 501497 to libapr1, severity of 501497 is important
Stefan Fritsch
Processed: reassign 501497 to libapr1, severity of 501497 is important
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of apr_1.2.12-5_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
apr_1.2.12-5_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
Processed: reassign 501403 to libc6
Debian Bug Tracking System
apache2 2.2.9-10 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
Bug#494768: sendfile bails out with error
Bug#494768: sendfile bails out with error
Stefan Fritsch
<Possible follow-ups>
Bug#494768: sendfile bails out with error
apr 1.2.12-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
Need a helping hand in these economic times? Our community can help.
Bug#503037: ssl-cert snakeoil generation completely broken in hurd
Bug#503037: ssl-cert snakeoil generation completely broken in hurd
Stefan Fritsch
Processed: hurd is not a release architecture
Debian Bug Tracking System
Apache 2.2.3-4+etch5 (apache2-mpm-worker) mod_rewrite BUG
François Guerraz - Newsletter - c. 57- Zivot je hodnotny tym, co z neho spravime
Bug#494768: problem remains in 2.6.26-8 / 2.2.9-10
apache2_2.2.3-4+etch6_i386.changes INSTALLED into stable
Debian Installer
Bug#503213: apache2: Apache child is segfaulting due to a call to memcpy().
Etch amd64 Apache2/mod_proxy_ajp/mod_cache segfault
kredit tanpa agunan 5 hr saja..adm/provisi 1,5 % .
Bug#503537: apache2-mpm-worker: Segmentation fault on apache 2.2.9, libaprutil1 related
Federico Ruiz
Bug#503069: What's up ?
François Guerraz
Bug#503069: What's up ?
Stefan Fritsch
Processed: severity of 503069 is normal
Debian Bug Tracking System
Очень хочем продать))) красивый дом в цeнтpe cелa Гоcтpaя Mогила, 100 км. Oт Києва по Одесской тpаcе.
Братчук О.М.
Processed: bug 496080 is forwarded to
Debian Bug Tracking System
The last update was on 11:04 GMT Mon May 30. There are 48 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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