Re: Who is starting this process?
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Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
> Am Samstag 24 Oktober 2009 schrieb C M Reinehr:
>> On Sat 24 October 2009 02:46:44 am Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
>>>> I see some lines referring to vt9 and vt10 in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers,
>>>> but they are commented out on my machine.
>>>> So, if you did not uncomment those lines, who did?
>>>> *paranoia recommended*
>>>> Dave W.
>>> Yes, same lines I found, too, but they are commented out here, too.
>>> Strange things happen in debian-world... :))
>>> Greets
>>> Hans
>> Hans,
>> I'm running KDE3 and the number of virtual terminals seems be controlled by
>> and entry in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc. In the first paragraph I have:
>> [General]
>> ConfigVersion=2.3
>> ConsoleTTYs=tty1,tty2,tty3,tty4,tty5,tty6
>> PidFile=/var/run/
>> ReserveServers=:1,:2,:3
>> ServerVTs=-7
>> StaticServers=:0
>> HTH!
>> cmr
> Hi CM,
> yes, I know this entry. The minus before the number is telling "use the next
> free vt the kernel shows".
> But it should be 7 not 9. Strangely suddenly this changed some day, although I
> did only an update. My 32-bit machine never showed this behaviour.
> It is not really disturbing me, but it is annoying me, that X is now on 9 but
> 9, but it is annoying me, I do not understand, what had really happened. :)
You can probably find out what package provided kdmrc (dpkg -S ?) and
then investigate the changelog of that package...
- --
Sarunas Burdulis
Systems Administrator
Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College
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