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Re: nvidia driver "debian way" and 3D

youll notice if you click on "requirements" you get a link to some third party plugin. which only supports windows and mac.


Klaus Becker wrote:
On Sunday 3 May 2009 09:29:53 Francesco Pietra wrote:
with amd64 lenny, i have installed the nvidia driver (OpenGL 2.1.2
NVIDIA 173.14.04) for a GeForce 6600?PCI?SSE2 card along "the Debian
way", according to the Lennart Sorensen recipe), with additional GLSL
support for some scientific graphics.

When my wife attempts to explore the museum Louvre
tml) in 3D rendering, the system warns that 3D is not supported, needing an
additional plugin. Today, no specification about the kind of plugin was
revealed, while a couple of days ago - on the same attempts - the system
specified "nVidia plugin".

Today I tried to see the plugin by downloading it, though iceweasel
answered that there is no suitable plugin available. I was acting as

Aside the obvious implications from what i said above, my question is
whether with the installation of the nVidia driver "the Debian way" it
safe to download plugins related to graphics and if such plugins are
installable by users (my wife has access to the computer with her
username and i should avoid to harm the driver installation).

francesco pietra

Hi, I have got an Ati card, I have installed the Ati driver and 3d works fine under Lenny/AMS64 and KDE 4.2.2, but I have the same problem with the site as you.



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