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Re: EM64T compiling options?

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:37:52AM +0200, er@ml1.net wrote:
> I'm migrating from an i686 to an EM64T machine (Intel core 2 quad) and
> I'd like to know whether there are specific options that I can pass to
> gcc for an optimization of my code or if everything is blindly set up.
> How would I manage the 4 cpu cores if I was to write in assembly?

You almost certainly wouldn't.  Very few people have any reason to write
in assembly anymore.  You might write a critical section of code in
assembly, but all the glue ought to be in C, inluding anything to manage
pthreads to do multiple threads, which is how you take advantage of
multiple cores.

As for optimizing, there really aren't any options yet since there are
very few amd64 designs so far and they all have the same instruction set
and features pretty much and hence the code should be pretty much
optimal for all of them (in as much as gcc produces optimal code for

Len Sorensen

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