Re: Grub and raid
On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 12:13:11PM -0500, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 10:18:13AM -0500, wrote:
> > I have almost all of my system on LVM/RAID1, with only a 2G paritition
> > outside of LVM/RAID on each of my two disks.
> >
> > That's the one I boot from, using grub.
> >
> > The LVM space used to have just the user data, but reently I've had to move /usr into
> > LVM space too because the 2G became crowded.
> >
> > What I'd like to know (running Debain etch, but will upgrade to lenny when that
> > becomes stable) is:
> >
> > Which of the top-level file systems have to be outside LVM storage when booting from
> > grub?
> I have generally myself used / outside LVM and nothing else.
Not even /boot?
> I did
> recently setup one install with only /boot outside LVM and it worked
> fine.
So here / is in LVM but /boot outside?
> I am in the middle of installing a machine with new disks where I have
> done this:
> raid1 / using
> sda1 25G
> sdb1 25G
> raid1 /home using
> sdc1 25G
> sdd1 25G
> raid5 LVM using
> sda2 475G
> sdb2 475G
> sdc2 475G
> sdd2 475G
> LVM contains swap and /var since I will be using it mainly for mythtv
> which stores piles of stuff in /var. I didn't allocate all the LVM
> space yet so I have 200G free for other stuff if I think of something.
Ah! To have free space! I thought 250G was pretty big when I set it up two
years ago.
-- hendrik
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