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Re: Opinions on ext3 vs XFS vs reiserfs for LAMP server

On Thu, Aug 23, 2007 at 01:43:09PM -0500, Neil Gunton wrote:
> Yes, that did occur to me (the bankruptcy of SGI and the trial of Hans). 
> However I just assumed that there was enough of an open source 
> development following behind each of these efforts that someone would 
> pick up the slack and continue development.

File systems are not trivial little things you just tinker with.  I
don't think there are that many people doing filesystem development and

> I've been using MySQL continuously for the last eight years, and I have 
> never had any data integrity issues. I really have nothing but good 
> things to say about MySQL. It works really, really well; it's fast, easy 
> to use, straightforward to configure and tune, and its replication 
> rocks. I understand that there are people out there who for one reason 
> or another like to hate MySQL, but all I can say is that for me, it's 
> worked flawlessly for more than 8 years. I have lost data, but every 
> time it has been because of something I did myself (e.g. manually 
> deleting records), not because of MySQL corrupting the tables. I have 
> had indexes become invalid on occasion, but this was easily remedied 
> using myisamchk. Every software package has its warts, MySQL included, 
> but I haven't found the "gotchas" that people like to quote to be in any 
> way showstoppers. In fact, most of the oft-quoted gotchas don't even 
> figure on my radar usually. I don't want this to turn into a MySQL vs 
> PostgreSQL thread, as any discussion that includes MySQL seems to want 
> to morph into that. I just wanted to counter the FUD (and that's exactly 
> what it is, in my opinion, given my own rather extensive experience of 
> using it in the real world). I don't feel I am increasing my "risk" at 
> all by using MySQL; I feel totally comfortable using it, and after eight 
> years I think I have the right to say that without any reservation.

I think some people don't like MySQL due to historical license reasons,
lack of many features requires to be a proper SQL implementation, crappy
locking granularity, etc.  Sure it has improved over the years, but once
people decide postgresql is a better choice, it is hard to convince them
to try anything else unless there is something that offers them all the
features they already have and something new in addition.  MySQL has
never gotten to the level of features of postgresql.  I am certainly one
of the people that will take postgresql over mysql anytime.

Len Sorensen

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