----- Original Message ----
From: Dan Serban <dserban@thelodgingco.com>
To: Alejandro Barcena Campos <alejandro@gulag.org.mx>
Cc: debian-amd64@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, May 1, 2006 7:14:54 PM
Subject: Re: xorg 7
Alejandro Barcena Campos wrote:
> I upgraded Xorg to version 7... I didn't realise that
> xserver-xorg-input-mouse wasn't instalable... now I can't startx
since I
> have no core pointers...
> any sugestions?
> Thanks,
> Alejandro
Check your /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure it points to the main
debian archive. ie:
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib non-free
or if you're in Deutschland:
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib non-free
That is the main source of upgrade issues (packages missing) since the
amd64 arch became official.
(I assume you're not running sarge since you're playing with xorg 7)
Are you certain that's the sources.list entry and that it's not
/debian-amd64/ instead of /debian/?
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