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Re: Installing eclipse gives conflicts

On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 11:42:05AM +0000, Steven Haslam wrote:
> Koos Vriezen wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm having trouble installing eclipse, due to a conflict between
> >eclipse-jdt-common (3.1.2-1) and eclipse-jdt (3.1.1-8) and depends on
> >eclipse-jdt-common=3.1.1-8.
> >Given that these packages  are from 10 feb. and I couldn't find this w/
> >google, I must overlook something.
> >Can someone give me a hint how to install eclipse?
> > 
> >
> Somehow the archive has got the 3.1.2-1 versions of the _all packages, 
> and only the 3.1.1-8 versions of the _amd64 packages.
> You could rebuild eclipse from source (it works-- but it took quite some 
> time!) or I have the debs I built, that I could probably make available.

Thanks, I just did and it works AFAICS.


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