Re: nforce 410 MCP chipset & ne2k-pci error
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 09:39:43PM +0530, janarthanam ramalingam wrote:
> I am using a 2.6.14 kernel on debain sarge 3.1 for amd.
> this on a Asrock K8NF4G-SATA2 mob.
> i earlier mentioned in this mailing list that my inbuilt network card wasn't
> identified by linux and told that this chipset nforce 401 is not yet
> supported.
> i plug my realtek ethernet card in the pci slot and modprobed ne2k-pci which
> says: "no I/O resource at pci bar #0" which i make from the driver code that
> my pci ioport is disabled. i donot see a way to enable the io port from my
> bios settings
> is this only due to lack of nforce 410 chipset as marked in the reply for
> the bug, or is it something else?
Sounds like a bios bug, but could be a kernel bug too. Not sure very
many people have used an ne2k-pci on an amd64 system (like why would
anyone bother with something so slow and so old). It is possible a bios
upgrade will fix it, some obscure bios setting, using a different pci
slot, or using a different kernel, or just using a different type of
network card.
Len Sorensen
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