Re: amd-64 vs Pure-64
[ Note: I am *not* subscribed to debian-amd64, please CC: me on replies ]
Stefano Simonucci wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 23:26 +0200, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:
> > Thank's Stefano,
> >
> > I will try to reproduce it soon.
> >
> > It's surprise me if it's really so easy and no package for amd64.
> >
> > Leo
> The openoffice 1.9 is unstable (beta). Effectively openoffice crashes
> sometimes. I don't know if the openoffice 1.1 can be recompiled.
"Sometimes" is quite a understatement.
It's quite unusable. Even if it builds it crashes often. And it doesn't
even show presentations properly. And it can't even open OpenDocument
documents. And many more stuff.
Many many parts of the porting are not yet finished and there are real
bugs in there still which make it not really useful for work.
Building may work but building is not the only thing which should work;
if it works at runtime we can talk about providing amd64 packages too but
as long as it really doesn't it makes no sense to provide packages which are
unsuable anyway.
Summaringly, t's just not ready for anything productive yet and thefeore
there's no deb provided yet (and I don't own a amd64 machine anyway to test
it if it would...)
If there's amd64 OOo debs around they are usually the 32bit stuff.
.''`. Rene Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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