Re: Problems with md-crypt
My problem with md-crypt is fixed. It turned out that -
for whatever reason - my encrypted filesystems were
mounted with flags noexec,nosuid,nodev despite the
fact that I explicitly specified flag exec in mtab
and despite the fact that I also tried flag defaults,
which does permit exec on the other filesystems I
use it for.
The reason for this behaviour is not yet clear to
me, but after remounting with exec manually the
scripts that broke before are executable.
Thanks for your help,
Frank schrieb:
>>You run a newer distro (I guess testing is no longer Sarge today, but
>>Sid?). What kernel version do you run?
> 2.6.11-9-amd64-k8, but I have had this working for a long time, even with
> Sarge. If you really think that the problem lies that deep, I guess I'm not
> able to be much of a help. Sounds rather mysterious.
> What if you put in a different interpreter (/bin/bash)?
> If you come up with any other tests, let me know and I can perform them.
> Frank
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