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Re: Prob with nvidia and X11 on pure64bit

El lun, 02-05-2005 a las 10:19 -0400, Lennart Sorensen escribió:

> Do NOT use nvidia's installer.  Use Debian's installer and things just
> work.  Nvidia's installer assumes a redhat'ish filesystem which isn't
> how debian does things.
> Running 3rd party installers is a bad habit from windows that should be
> exterminated.

Well, Microsoft tried to exterminate the installer for many of their
products and instead release them under the Windows umbrella and look
what happened. They got sued and had to offer an option to remove
Internet Explorer's icon from the desktop.  :-)

Javier Kohen <jkohen@users.sourceforge.net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen@jabber.org

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