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Re: amd64 into mainstream

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

And if Ubuntu takes hold Debian may *never* become a good choice for the desktop, that is what I fear, and that would mean abandoning Debian.  :(
There are many people that really don't care particularly much about
desktop anything.  I suspect they are often the people that make debian
work.  Not always but often.
Often enough. In my case, talking about closer to 100 Debian servers, but only one Debian desktop, and even there X is only started now and then, in case all Windows desktops fail (okay, thats not too uncommon...). Many people feel that linux is a great server environment, but not quite ready enough for the desktop. And yes, I'll agree this is greatly a matter of preference, requirements, etc - not written in stone anyway.

This is also one of Debian's strong points. I can install a well enough functioning Debian base system without problem in 150-200 MB space, with only basic daemons running, no X stuffs or unnecessary client software of any kind at all. Compact, functional and extremely easy to maintain. Trying to do this with some other distributions is a headache and/or impossible. I know some Fedora developers might disagree with me here, but I don't think 800 MB is a "minimal installation".

I know there are people happy with Linux on the desktop. I'd very much like to see them remain happy because I will probably try it yet another time as well. More development means next time I try it I might actually not end up crying on the keyboard. I just hope a certain balance can be reached. Perfectly functioning Debian servers in critical production environments have created more smiles here than the best summer sunshine ever could.


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